What makes Wildwood Academy different from other schools?
How much individual attention will my child receive from teachers?
At Wildwood Academy, your child will enjoy small class sizes with student-to-teacher ratios of 3:1 to 8:1, ensuring plenty of one-on-one attention in subjects like math, reading, writing, and vocabulary. This personalized approach builds confidence and helps them reach their full potential.
How does Wildwood support students with special learning needs?
At Wildwood Academy, we embrace every child’s unique learning journey. We create a safe, inclusive environment where students with special needs thrive. Your child will receive a customized education plan tailored to their strengths and challenges, ensuring they feel supported, confident, and ready to succeed.
How will Wildwood tailor its curriculum to my child’s needs?
At Wildwood Academy, we tailor learning to your child’s strengths and challenges. Our structured approach, including Direct Instruction, ensures they fully grasp concepts before moving on. Teachers continuously assess progress and adjust lessons to provide the right support for their growth.
Does Wildwood provide support for children with behavioral challenges?
Wildwood Academy specializes in supporting students with learning challenges rather than behavioral difficulties. If your child has exhibited aggressive behaviors, such as kicking or bullying, we do not have the resources to provide the best support. We encourage open discussions during the admissions process to ensure the right fit for your child’s success.
How can I enroll my child at Wildwood if they have special learning needs?
To enroll your child at Wildwood Academy, visit our website and complete the enrollment inquiry form. Our principal will contact you to schedule a tour, discuss your child’s needs, and determine how we can best support their learning journey.
Does my child need to complete an assessment before enrolling?
How does Wildwood keep parents informed about their child's progress?
We believe in open communication with parents. Wildwood Academy hosts two formal parent-teacher conferences each year, and our staff maintain regular contact to keep you informed about your child’s progress and successes. You can also easily connect with our principal anytime to chat about questions or concerns.
What technology or assistive devices are used in the classroom?
All students are assigned their own Chromebook to use at school. Depending on the needs of each student, applications can be accessed through these to facilitate student learning. Each classroom at Wildwood also has a projector and sound system to create dynamic lessons.